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Dot Bowen Ayurveda & Yoga
Conscious Choices for Vitality
"At the centre of your being you have the answer;
you know who you are and you know what you want."
~ Lao Tzu
We're complex beings, beautifully evolved to thrive on our planet in this incredible universe.
And, life in the 21st century can be intense and challenging, often leaving us feeling depleted, depressed, or disconnected.
Women particularly, have a need to connect with the mystery of life, honouring their cycles, and those of Nature.
Women thrive when we feel connected to our innate wisdom, sensually in touch with ourselves and when we're being ‘met’ in authentic relationships rooted in reciprocity.
Since the separation of lockdown, our lives have been pushed 'online', leaving human beings feeling bereft and literally out of touch with ourselves and each other. This is causing high levels of stress and anxiety, and keeping us from our birthright of pleasure and peaceful living. It's time to reconnect!
The Consciously Vital Circle is an "in-person" course, for women who want to explore a deeper relationship with themself using simple, time-tested practices, supported in a real life container of understanding and compassion.
Small group - max 10.
Over 9 months you can reconnect with your sensuality, your creativity and your vitality!
Relaxed, balanced and content
Confident, creative and sensual
Aligned with Nature's cycles
Well nourished and well rested
For the past 20 years, I've been working with people in all walks of life, to help them remember their purpose, and worth. It happens easily when we align ourselves with the cycles of Nature; eating, sleeping and cleansing well, and in 'good company'.
What you will receive:
Monthly Saturday in-person circles nr Lewes, guided by Dot, and occasional guests, to explore different aspects of Yoga and Conscious Living. 10am - 1pm, first Saturday of the month April - December.
2 x 10 day Seasonal Resets to do at home, April 7-17 and October 20-30
Access to a dedicated course portal through my website, with a wide range of supportive self-care resources
Access to a private group forum to connect with me, and others in the Circle.
Book a Connection Call if you'd like to know more, or click and join now.

You are unique and precious.
Give yourself to Life!
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